How to deploy Python Django project to heroku?

Deploy python django project from local to heroku
for macOS intallation:
brew install heroku
→ connect to your heroku account with your email and your password
heroku login
→ to create heroku-app
heroku create <your-app-name>
need to web WSGI HTTP Server so we can install gunicorn in the django project file
pip install gunicorn
→ need to add this file in the django project file because of heroku define this file as configuration
Procfile(in this file define a applications path)
web: gunicorn <your directory>.wsgi — log-file -
to deploy the app, all required libraries is been writing in requirements.txt that are used by django-project:
pip freeze > requirement.txt
runtime.txt → python-3.9.5 (look supported python version to heroku-django)
You can find explanation as video with Turkish language:
→ in project directory with bash
git initgit add .git commit -m “<your messages>”git push heroku master
→ connect to remote heroku.git repo
heroku git:remote -a <project_name>
→ if you have static file at your project
pip install django-heroku
**Be sure to add “django-heroku” to your requirements.txt file as well.
Add the following import statement to the top of
import django_heroku
Then add the following to the bottom of
# Activate Django-Herokudjango_heroku.settings(locals())
ALLOWED_HOSTS = [‘<your-heroku-app-name>’]ALLOWED_HOSTS = [‘’]
If “ProgrammingError at / relation “…” does not exist” error is occurred then you can do steps below:
do those in django your project with bash:
heroku run bash~$ python3 makemigrations~$ python3 migrate~$ exit
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